sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2010

NONI Essential

Kahuna, vindecatorii hawaiieni, au folosit dintotdeauna aceasta planta „magica” pentru a vindeca bolile care afecteaza omul. Ei numesc noni „arborele vietii”, „planta care ucide durerea” sau „arborele durerii de cap”.


luni, 8 februarie 2010


Folosirea Spiridus®-ului amplifică potenţialul imunitar al corpului biologic în faţa diverselor infecţii virale şi microbiene. De asemenea, creşte debitul sanguin, lucru ce favorizează scurtarea perioadelor de convalescenţă cât şi prevenirea diverselor afecţiuni metabolice...


Apa PI - apa vie

In piata Amzei, 10 litri de apa PI costa 60.000 lei (5 litri - 40.000 lei).....


sâmbătă, 6 februarie 2010

Popular herbal tea...around the glob


Some Natural Herbal Tea :

* Some of the popular Asian herbal tea are the Yuen Kut Lam Kam Wo Tea (made in Hong Kong and composed of thirty Chinese herbs), the Mugicha (which is drunk cold in summer and quite similar in flavor to coffee), Cannabis (used in the preparation of Bhang in India), the Sugnyung (or toasted rice from Korea), the Tan Ngan Lo Medicated Tea (prepared in the twentieth century by a Chinese), and the Ho Yan Hor Herbal Tea (made from twenty four natural herbs in Korea).

* Popular herbal tea from America are : the Mate (shrubs grown in Brazil and Argentina), Lapacho (which is the inner lining of the bark of the Lapacho tree found in Amazonian forests and has numerous health benefits), Essiac (a native American herbal tea), Cerasse (a bitter herb found in Jamaica), and the Uncaria tomentosa (a woody vine found in the Amazonian forests and used to treat various ailments).

* Rooibos (a reddish plant native to South Africa), the Honeybush (closely related to the Rooibos, but sweeter), the Bissap (consumed in the Saharas), the Hibiscus (from the Middle East), the Greek Mountain Tea (found in the Mediterranean and used to cure colds), the Chamomile (grown in Germany and used as a sedative), and the Horehound (known for its efficacy in lung troubles and grown in Britain) are quite popular varieties of herbal tea.

Pau d'Arco - o planta minune din Amazon...

Pau d'ArcoWelcome to Paudarco.org. Please feel free to browse our site through the menu on the left, or begin by reading the introduction below. Throughout this website we will provide you with pertinent information on Pau d'Arco benefits, precautions, and ......


vineri, 5 februarie 2010